Laugardagur 26. október, 2024
3 C

Sailors rescued to shore in Þingvallavatn – Expressed their gratitude by serving coffee to rescuers


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Recently, the search and rescue team Ingunn and the rescue squad Tintron were called out in the middle of the day for a boat that had lost engine power in the middle of Þingvallavatn lake.

Sunnlenska originally reported on this. Luckily, there was not much danger. As many people are aware of, Þingvallavatn lake can be quite unpredictable and circumstances may very well change in the blink of an eye.

The boat being pulled to shore.

The rescuers from Ingunn already had the boat in tow, pulling it to shore, about 40 minutes after receiving the call.

According to Sunnlenska, the sailors expressed their gratitude by serving coffee to the rescue teams and engaging in lively conversation.

The story did not include information on whether the sailor caught a fish or not.


This article was originally published in Icelandic by Björgvin Gunnarsson.


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