Þriðjudagur 7. maí, 2024
4.8 C

Dentistry for children in Iceland – Free until the age of 18


- Auglýsing -


- Auglýsing -

Important points for people of different ethnicities living in Iceland, who would like to better understand dentistry for children and the cost of it.

Today, dentistry for all children in Iceland is free of charge until the age of 18, with a few special exceptions which are always thoroughly explained, should they come up.

Parents or guardians only pay a fee of 2.500 ISK once a year for this service. However, in spite of this, it has been noted that some children do not seem to come to necessary dentist appointments. According to a few dentists that Mannlíf spoke to, this is especially true for children with non-Icelandic parents that have recently moved to the country.

It seems clear that important information about dentistry for children is not reaching some groups in this country as well as it should be.

According to dentists, this has to change, for the wellbeing of all children in Iceland.

As some non-Icelandic speaking parents or guardians do not seem to be aware of the fact that dentist services are free for all children in Iceland, Mannlíf has translated a few important points to better explain how this system works. Hopefully all children will soon be going to the dentist, for important check-ups, education on how to keep their teeth healthy, and necessary repairs.

- Auglýsing -
  • Parents/guardians only pay 2.500 ISK once a year.
  • Check-ups and repairs are free of charge – fully paid for by the government.
  • The child has to be signed up for one main dentist that will monitor their teeth and mouth health, as well as growth and problems that may arise. The dentist will be a „family dentist“ to the child. Any dentist can help parents/guardians with this registration.
  • It is best to take children to the dentist once a year. Once every two years is the minimum, but it is best to let the dentist make that call. Problems are much easier to deal with early on and regular dentist appointments are vital to both monitor and secure health in both teeth and gum.
  • The „family dentist“ will book regular appointments and remind parents/guardians to bring their children in for regular check-ups.
  • Even though the child has it’s own „family dentist“, parents/guardians are free to take their child for treatments with another dentist as well.
  • IF a child has to undergo a treatment that is not fully paid for by the Icelandic health insurance system, the dentist/specialist has to disclose that fully and clearly to parents/guardians before the treatment begins.
  • If a child does not come in for a regular check-up with their „family-dentist“ at least once every two years, the dentist must let the Icelandic health insurance system know. This is for the benefit of the child in question.
  • For treatments with an orthodontist, for example with braces, there is a specific payment system in place and a contract with the Icelandic health insurance system. Insurances depend on the nature of the problem, severity and so on. All information on this can be found with the Icelandic health insurance system. Dentists and orthodontists can also provide all the necessary information.


Please regard that for any assistance, parents/guardians can contact Sjúkratryggingar Íslands (the Icelandic health insurance system). Dentists can also help with registration and provide any information needed.



Athugasemdir eru á ábyrgð þeirra sem þær skrá. Mannlíf áskilur sér þó rétt til að eyða ummælum sem metin verða sem ærumeiðandi eða ósæmileg. Smelltu hér til að tilkynna óviðeigandi athugasemdir.

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